Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Good morning

One of the blessings of being a part of a church is that you are able to experience biblical community with brothers and sisters who truly love Jesus. There is nothing in the world that can compare with this. Nowhere do you see male and female, old and young, rich and poor, people from all national backgrounds and religious experiences come together to love one another and to celebrate. When biblical community happens the church can become a place of beauty, a place of peace. The love of Christ can transcend all differences and melt us into one body, that loves and cares for its many members. I have seen this many times in my Christian experience and it is something that is not only beautiful, it is also attractive to the world. People desperately are looking for a place where they can be loved and welcomed.

One thing I have learned, however, is that biblical community does not just happen because one is a Christian and attends a church. Biblical community takes commitment. I have seen people slip away from the church time and time again. Often it is because they have failed to connect with others within the church. Many times it is because they have not opened themselves to developing new relationships with others. This lack of community can also be attributed to an unwillingness to use the gifts God has given to be a blessing to others within the community. It is usually the one's who are not serving who slip away. Not the one's who are busy caring and reaching out to others.

My prayer is that we can develop a heart for one another that is expressed through genuine actions of love. That each member will use their gifts and resources to be a blessing to the rest. The way of the world is toward increasing isolation and self-centeredness. Only Jesus can set us free from this natural inclination and give us a heart of love. When our lives are centered on Him, biblical community comes naturally.

Jesus declared: They will know you are my disciples by your love for one another. (John 13:35) Too often we complicate the method and message of Jesus. What a difference we can make if we learn to love one another as Jesus has loved us. Have a blessed day in Jesus!

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